Moon Circles with Amy Miller Yoga & Wellbeing

Discover the transformative power of working with the energy of the full moon in these welcoming Moon Circles, Surrey

Working with the energy of the moon during moon circles is one of the many ways we can start to become more attuned to Mother Nature, & I am seeing more people become interested in this kind of energy work. Perhaps it’s the various lockdowns and restrictions on our personal & professional lives, or perhaps people are just becoming more open and interested in the mystical and spiritual side of life…. whatever the reason, it is becoming more and more important to reconnect ourselves to the cycles and seasons of our planet so that we can start to take greater care of her, and ourselves. There is definitely a current backlash against the fast-paced, disposable, got to have it now in every colour, ethos of the beginning of this century. The plastic-free movement is a huge thing, we have Extinction Rebellion, we have people moving away from Big Tech and buying more locally in a more sustainable way. And having a more conscious, personal connection to the planet just reflects those needs. Connection to nature is about mindfulness, it’s about meditation, it’s about slowing down and noticing the small things and the more in tune we are to our natural surroundings and the cycles of life, the better able we are to do that.

There are eight phases of the lunar calendar, starting with the new moon and coming all the way back around in the space of approximately 29.5 days. From new moon we move to waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent – and then we’re back to the new moon. Some people will also add the dark moon as a ninth phase of this cycle. It used to be only pagans and witches who followed the cycle of the moon, but now wellness coaches and holistic practitioners are also coming to realise the power that working with the lunar cycle can have on people’s wellbeing.  The moon circles I offer are on the full moon and the new moon and are in person, as well as online.

